The Improvement Academy has developed on-line entry Bronze level training. This training is FREE and available for ALL healthcare providers and commissioners and anyone else who is interested in supporting or delivering improvement, and is available either via our on-line training platform, or through the National Electronic Staff Record.
Content of the Bronze QI Training
A key objective of the training is to help participants understand how and why everyone has a role to play and can contribute to Quality Improvement in their work area.
- Module 1: Introduction to Quality Improvement Training (5 mins)
- Module 2: Quality Improvement in Yorkshire and Humber (30 mins)
- Module 3: How can I improve patient care? (30 mins)
- Module 4: Your Model for Improvement (30 mins)
Modules 2, 3 and 4 end with a short quiz and the final module is followed by a short evaluation questionnaire. On completion of ALL of the modules, a certificate of completion can be printed off. A User Guide is also available although site navigation is explained throughout.
For further information please contact Ursula Clarke, Senior Programme Manager, KSS PSC.