Maternity and neonatal
The Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme (MatNeoSIP) aims to reduce the rates of maternal and neonatal deaths, stillbirths and brain injuries that occur during or soon after birth by 50% by 2025 and contribute to the national ambition, set out in Safer Maternity Care, to reduce the national rate of preterm births from 8% to 6% by 2025.
It also looks to improve the safety and outcomes of maternal and neonatal care by reducing unwarranted variation and provide a high-quality healthcare experience for all women, babies, and families across maternity and neonatal care settings in England.
MatNeoSIP in Kent, Surrey and Sussex
We are working with Maternity and Neonatal stakeholders in nine trusts across Kent and Medway, Surrey and Sussex, three Local Maternity and Neonatal Systems, the KSS Operational Delivery Network for Neonates (ODN), the maternity and neonatal voices partnerships and patient advisory groups, to deliver MatNeoSIP.
Key ambitions
- To improve the optimisation and stabilisation of the preterm infant.
- To implement a new Maternity Early Warning Score (MEWS) and Neonatal Early Trigger Tool (NEWTT2).
- Use safety culture insights for improved quality of care and inform local improvement plans.
News and case studies
Contact us
If you’d like to find out more about maternity and neonatal or any of our other patient safety programmes, get in touch.